
> > > > On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 17:05:36 +1000
> > > > Philip Rhoades <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > People,
> > > > > 
> > > > > How do I force OOo2 to use CUPS as the default printer instead
> > > > > of SGENPRT
> > > > > (/opt/openoffice.org2.0/share/psprint/driver/SGENPRT.PS)?
> > > > > 
> > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > 
> > > > > Phil.
> > > > 
> > > > If I get you right:
> > > > run spadmin or oopadmin
> > > > (my is /usr/lib/openoffice/program/spadmin, yours may be
> > > > different), select an installed cups printer and click "default".
> > > > 
> > > > Andrius
> > 
> > 
> > > > Why not do what others do, make a printer that will handle
> > > > postscript in CUPS and use that in OOo?  You will need to
> > > > pre-process postscript with a tool such as gs.
> > > >
> > > > Roderick
> > 
> > 
> > I was not clear enough:
> > 
> > spadmin only works for individuals - I want EVERY user instance of OO
> > to use CUPS as the system default NOT it's own SGENPRT.
> > The problem is: currently EVERY printer that is available to users
> > on the system via CUPS appears as type "SGENPRT" in OOo instead of say
> > "CUPS:s0" - as I have seen on one of our other servers - but I can't
> > see any difference between the setups on both servers!
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Phil.
> I can only tell you how it works on my Debian box - maybe this will be
> of any help.
> The printers available via cups appear as type "CUPS:printer_name".

On the working server this is true but on the problem server I see:


> It's not possible to _add_ a cups or any other printer via spadmin,
> only pdf converters or faxes can be added; but all installed cups
> printers are visible in spadmin and can be administered (at least set
> as default).

NOT on the problem server - when I run:


as root on the problem server I only see the generic printer listed - I
don't see any of the others that ARE listed with:


> There are two psprint.conf files:
> system-wide - /etc/poenoffice/psprint.conf



> user settings - ~/.openoffice.org2/psprint/psprint.conf
> All the changes I make with spadmin as a user are recorded only to the
> user psprint.conf file - as expected.


> here's the beginning of cups printer section in user psprint.conf file:
> [hp_usb_DESKJET_930C]
> Printer=CUPS:hp_usb_DESKJET_930C/hp_usb_DESKJET_930C
> DefaultPrinter=0
> A guess - haven't tested: add the cups printer section

"cups printer section" - what do you mean? there are only ppd files in:


>  to system-wide
> psprint.conf and set it as default.
> Another guess: there must be no other printer set as default in user's
> psprint.conf file.

There is no psprint.conf file anywhere under:


> However, if the cups printer will still appear as SGENPRT (the
> system-wide psprint.conf default),

That is the current situation . .

> I give up - then you may need to ask
> your distro's lists...  

There must be some simple solution - the two servers were installed in
much the same way (as far as I can remember) but on the working server
OO shows printer types of "CUPS:name" and on the problem server OO shows
"SGENPRT" and with spadmin on the working server all printers are listed
and on the problem one only the generic printer . .


Philip Rhoades

Pricom Pty Limited  (ACN 003 252 275  ABN 91 003 252 275)
GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW      2001
Mobile:  +61:0411-185-652
Fax:  +61:2:8923-5363

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