On Fri, 2006-07-14 at 22:19 -0400, Melanie Campbell wrote:
> G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
> > On Fri, 2006-07-14 at 21:50 -0400, John W. Kennedy wrote:
> >   
> >> Now if only there was an Adobe Palm Reader - for Linux  - I used to
> >> use
> >>     
> >>>> that a lot but will have to convert to .txt I guess? 
> >>>>         
> >
> > Thanks John. But I read the above as wanting a pdf reader and provided
> > an answer. 
> >
> > So what was your point?
> >   
> Thanks - I do have Adobe Palm already - I used it alot to read my
> university texts on  but it doesn't work with a linux box because you
> need the adobe palm deskotop to transfer the files and its only for
> windows and mac.  I tried to run it with Wine but no luck yet.  - but
> who knows - might figure it out yet?  At least the word processor issue
> is solved - and I can work with OpenOffice and Docs To Go.
> Melanie

You might also like to have a look at Xen as a way of having a
Windows-type environment. See
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/ and
OpenOffice.org Documentation Co-Lead

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