Hi CarlP,

On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 12:19:52 -0400, CarlP wrote:

> After trying a few tests, it seems like for either file type, the "merge 
> cells" option is unavailable if "record changes" is turned on.  Can 
> someone confirm this problem for me, and is it a bug?  Or is it by 
> design (or design limitation)?

Yes, "merge cells" is disabled when "record changes" is turned on; no,
it is not a bug; yes, it is by design. Given that you're able to reject
almost any change and its dependents from in between a series of
changes, the merge cells operation would add a layer of complexity that
is not desired nor helpful. It would add dependencies between the
combined cell contents, the merge operation itself, all previous data
changes of the two single cells, all position changes (move, drag&drop,
column/row insertions and deletions) where those cells were involved,
and so on.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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