I wonder how difficult it would be to "port" the Word macros that implement
CWYW over to OO. If Thomson Learning were to make the macros available,
someone who knows VBA and StarBasic should be able to do it rather quickly.
Thomson would gain by having greater integration with OO, but then again,
the OO macros would be "open," and Thomson currently hides the VBA code for
CWYW. In addition, there's an OO.o project to develop an open source
reference tool, and Thomson probably has mixed feelings about helping OO.o.

I have never used StarBasic in OO, so I may be wrong. The VBA obviously
makes some kind of (DDE?) link between EndNote and Word, and I presume
StarOffice has this capability too.

If Thomson were unwilling to share the macro code with OO.o, one still might
be able to reverse engineer it. However, CWYW is one of the most problematic
features of EndNote. Knowing Word, I'd bet much of the problem is on its

        Marsh Feldman
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 5:36 AM
To: users@openoffice.org
Subject: Re: [users] problem with EndNote compatibility


Look up the help for scanning and formatting RTF files. You can still use
EndNote with Writer, but you need to safe the Writer file as an RTF file to
build the bibliography. This is how all bibliogaphic tools worked once a
upon a time.

Endnote only provides the toolbar/cite-as-u-write tools for Word and
WordPerfect, and even that no longer works with WordPerfect.

For the vast majority of sitiations OpenOffice does work very much like
Word, but in some specialist areas it doesn't, and this is one of them.


On 01/08/06, Moana Tupou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I cannot get my EndNote v.9 programme to work with
> OpenOffice.org Writer.  I was assured that OpenOffice.org
> Writer works just like Microsoft Word.  EndNote is
> compatible with Microsoft Word.  Is there any way that
> EndNote can be compatible with OpenOffice.org Writer?  I
> need to use it for my schoolwork, it's very important.
> Thanks,
> Moana
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