I'm Rudi Vanheeswijck from Belgium, i have a problem. I look in the help files 
and i do everythink like it's writen in the help files. I can't get my spellin 
controle working, i did it one time almost the first word he controled in dutch 
but the second and all the rest he controled in german. My question to you is 
how can i activate the dutch spelling controle. I tried every thing i tried so 
much i have to reinstall my open office, i did this now and now i ask for your 
help. I realy dont understand i did it like the help files tell me to but still 
it wont work i ca nwrite down a bad word and spelling controle don't mind it 
being wrong.
hoping for an answer i send you friendly greetings
Vanheeswijck Rudi
Zandhoefstraat 17
3582 Beringen

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