Hi Andreas;

Are you a contributor or moderator for this OOo user list?

I ask, not to pry, but because I think I have found a basic problem with
dating in OOo - Calc at least.

On Sat, 2006-12-08 at 02:42 +0200, Andreas Saeger wrote:
> William Case wrote:
> > On Fri, 2006-11-08 at 23:07 +0200, Andreas Saeger wrote:
> >> William Case wrote:

> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > The 0 (0.000000) date value still gives me '30/12/1899'.  So there is no
> > problem there, but thanks for the tip of using zero as a start date
> > rather than 30/12/1899.  Cleans things up.
> > 
> You mentioned it shows 29th Dec 1899. This indicates a value <0 and >-1.

As you suggested I created a test sheet.  My first entry was A1=N(0)
formatted NN MMM D YY.  A1 at first showed Sat Dec 30, 99.  Then a few
seconds later when Calc auto-saved.  A1 then showed Fri Dec 29, 99.  A1
remained equal to =N(0).

To test it, I deleted the A1 value and re-entered it, =N(0) and got Sat
Dec 30, 99 back.  I immediately used F9 to recalculate and got no
change.  I then waited for the automatic save and A1 changed again to
Fri Dec 29, 99.

> > I appreciate your sharing your formulae, but WEEKS() seems neater and
> > cleaner and has the advantage of being built in, if only I could be
> > certain that the Type in WEEKS(Start Date; End Date; Type) meant what I
> > think it means.
> Well, you need to be shure what it does:
> Put this into a test-sheet:
> A1: =TODAY() [or any other start-date]
> A2: =A1+1
> B1: =WEEKS($A$1;$A1;0)
> C1: =FLOOR($A1-$A$1;7)/7
> D1: =WEEKS($A$1;$A1;1)
> E1: =FLOOR($A1-$A$1+WEEKDAY($A$1;3);7)/7)
> [WEEKDAY(Dt;3) starts with Monday=0)]
> Copy down B1:E1 to row B2:E2, then copy down row 2 to a few dozends of rows.
> Change A1 (add/substract some number of days)
> Format A, so it shows a weekday, for instance YYYY-MM-DD NN
> WEEK(Dt;0) gives count of complete weeks since start, WEEK(Dt;1) seems 
> to start counting at next Monday.

I re-entered the A1 =N(0) value and proceeded to input your suggested
table.  I set B1 to TODAY(). Row 1 values were 0; row 2 values were all
5563 (number of weeks from the turn of the last century to today).  No
change was detected in these numbers during auto-save. But then they
shouldn't reflect a fraction of a week.

I set up two additional columns (F & G);  F contained the date value for
A in each row; G contained date value divided by 7.

As the A1 value changed after the auto-save so did the value of column G
(at least the fraction part of the calculation changed).

Even if I am wrong about tying this to the auto-sav, something is
happening to date calculations that goes beyond the proper use of the
WEEKS() function.

By the way, throughout this whole precess Type 0 or 1 in WEEKS() didn't
seem to make a difference.  Both types made their calculations based on
the Sat Dec 30, 99 or Fri Dec 29, 99 Start date.  Neither made a
distinction between being inclusive or a count. I must have tried 40-60
different combinations of dates and formulae.

I am using Fedora Core 5 and OOo 2.0.2, but I haven't had problems with
timing in my system or in any other programs.
> You're welcome.
> P.S. You are right. At least WEEKDAY(Dt;1) is more elegant than 
> floor(...) if you know what it does.
P.S, As I type, I realize I didn't experiment with a completely
different Start date, just additions and subtractions of whole numbers
to =N(0).
Regards Bill

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