On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 15:26 -0400, Sawdust (Chris @ MLCS) wrote:
> Hi,
> I searched the Forums to no avail.
> I just installed Open Office 2.0 (latest version from website on Thursday) on 
> a Windows XP Pro SP2 PC with NO Microsoft Office or other office suite 
> installed. I set all Office formats to associate to Open Office in the 
> post-installation setup wizard. I have a desktop shortcut linking to an Excel 
> spreadsheet on a networked computer.
> When I click the shortcut, Open Office launches (ie splash screen appears), 
> but the file doesn't open (nothing else comes up after the splash screen goes 
> away). The nextwork path does have an _ , could this be the issue?
> The file opens fine when I just open Calc first and then click the shortcut 
> in the "Open File" dialog.
> Any assistance would be very helpful. Thanks!

Just to let you know. There is a problem with accessing files in the
manner you describe. There is likely an issue for this which you could
locate and vote for. I recall the workaround is to mount the remote

Hope this helps.
OpenOffice.org Documentation Co-Lead

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