Hi all,

I've trawled through the archives for a few pages, but didn't find this exact issue in a fairly recent build.

Has anyone else had trouble using hidden paragraphs in master documents? OOo Writer 2.0.3? Windows XP? The way I've been doing it is:

- put variable at start of master document (eg. SoftwareName = Wonderful Woefixer) - add 'Show variable' in child doc wherever I refer to software name (that works fine, btw) - hide paragraphs in child doc by using a condition such as 'SoftwareName=="Wonderful Woefixer"' or 'SoftwareName!="Wonderful Woefixer"'

I am POSITIVE this used to work - or rather, maybe I used to know HOW to make it work. Now, if I have a hidden paragraph in the first child doc in a master doc, it works. Subsequent hidden paragraphs in subsequent child docs? Splat. If you're confused, I have a test master doc and a few child docs I can send you that will illustrate my point and have you scratching your head (or possibly calling me an idiot, I acknowledge occasional braindeadness).

Anyway... I have three actual points:

   * Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
   * Does anyone have a simple workaround (eg. change all filenames to
     less than 8 chars)?
   * I discovered that while hidden paragraphs based on variables are
     dodgy, hidden paragraphs based on user fields actually WORK! So
     this seems like a possible workaround for anyone suffering from
     similar problems. My only issue is, it seems impossible to refer
     to the value of a user field. Grrr.

- Naomi

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