Well, you're probably right (I'm not an experienced OO user: I didn't even know that you may divide a document in parts). Many thanks for the suggestion.

Anyway that behaviour is surely due to a bug: I can work quite well with the very same document with OO for Linux (BTW: I've made the test on the same dual boot PC).

I've installed OO 2.0.4 (beta) and that solves the problem

Robin Laing wrote:
Luca Fini wrote:
I have a big and complex document which I'm not able to use any longer.
The document is some 390 pages, the odt file is around 550 KB, it contains many notes and has an automatic table of contents.

When I start OOwrite in Win XP and open the document, after some time (30 seconds to 2 minutes) the CPU load goes to 100% and openoffice doesn't respond any longer. The WinXP task manager says that all the CPU time is spent on process "soffice.bin". After that it is necessary to terminate the process with task manager (i've tried to leave OO running for more than an our with no results). If I'm fast enough I can do a few modifications to the file if I'm able to save it before the freezing. The next time OO asks for recovery of the file and I find the correct modifications, but you may understand that the whole process is a pain in the neck.

The problem is very repeatable I've tested OO 2.0.1, OO 2.0.2, OO 2.0.3 both the english and the italian version on three different PC (two laptops and a big desktop with 1 Gb of memory) with the same result. All three machines have Win XP service pack 2 installed.

The same file can be used normally with openoffice under Linux (but I get different paging and the document becomes 50 pages longer, so that's not a solution).

I'd be grateful for any hint on the subject.


I may be wrong here but a 390 page document should be setup as a master and sub (correct term?) documents. This way you don't work on the whole document at one time.

       -- )     Luca Fini                           Tel: +39 055 2752 307
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