Hi Mikhail,
Started with a common clean USB stick - no mapping, no encryption.
Created v 1.1.3 .sxc spreadsheet which could be saved a first time but not thereafter.

Followed your suggestion and installed OO 2.0.3.
Loaded the just created .sxc spreadsheet from the stick. Ok.
Changed a few fields.
Save to stick
   Dialog about new .ods format
   Said Yes, do convert
Close document and loaded .ods spreadsheet
Changed a few fields
  !!   Could not create backup copy
So it appears problem is still there.
By the way, you were right. Save and SaveAs suffer from same problem.
Saving/loading from ordinary disk /home/enno works fine.
I am foxed, can you unfox me.


Mikhail Voitenko wrote:

Hi Enno,

Please see my comments inline.

Enno Fennema wrote:
Hi Mikhail,
1) I am using OO version 1.1.3 as provided in SuSE Linux 9.2 for x86_64 (AMD).

I would reccomend to try OOo2.0.3, if the same problem is reproducible
there please submit a new issue to me. I am in doubt that there will be
resources to fix such a specific scenario in 1.1.x branch.

2) No, I did not disconnected the stick while OO was running.

3) I must come clean on the following:
The filesystem /media/uc is mounted on /dev/mapper/uc, device-mapped with target dmcrypt to a udev created node /dev/uc which is a link to the 'real' device /dev/sda1. Normally I wouldn't put documents on a stick nor encrypt. Maybe the two together are a jump too far. I did try the normal ls, mv, cp, chown, chmod etc. from a shell commandline and all that worked fine.

Will try on an unencrypted but devicemapped stick and revert.

Yes, simplification of the scenario would help to investigate the
problem. But, probably, as first step it would make sence to try
OOo2.0.3 version.

4) Do I understand correctly that both Save and SaveAs check whether a file with the, implied or explicitly given, name already exists. If so, that file is (1) copied into the backup directory set in Path Preferences or (2) renamed in whatever directory it resides in ( 1, 2 or neither? ) It the write of the document fails, the pre-existing file is restored. If the write succeeds the backup is deleted. This question because I am somewhat puzzled that the backup directory never appears to contain any files.

Exactly, the OOo1.1.3 and OOo2.0.x tries to use the (1) way and if it
does not work it tries to create copy in the target folder ( kind of (2)
way with the difference that the copy operation instead of move is used
). There is an option in the Options menu that allows to preserve
backups on Save operation.



Mikhail Voitenko wrote:

Hi Enno,

The described USBStick problem sounds very strange. Currently it is
difficult to imagine a case when the Save operation fails and the SaveAs
operation to the same name succeeds ( just because the SaveAs operation
would try to create a backup of the existing document as well, and in
the same way ). Could you please clarify some questions:
- on which version of the OOo the problem is reproducible?
- was the memory stick disconnected during the document editing?


Enno Fennema wrote:

This is similar to the problem I raised also 13/9 in thread [users] Write to USBstick - Could not create backup copy. Phil: Did you get the Cannot create backup copy message?

In that case a marginally easier solution may be to use only SaveAs but with the same name as the old doc. That worked for me.

Still, there is something weird. I thought it may be related to Uni* copying across drives but renaming only on one drive. Would have to consider the drive where the doc resides, where backups are made, where program resides ???. Apparently I can Save on most of my drives but NOT on the USB stick. Permissions should be ok as I can read/write the stick as long as I only use Load and SaveAs.

Any ideas.

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