On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 23:54 -0400, Matt Needles wrote:
> M Carter wrote:
> > I am using version 1.0 of OpenOffice.org. 
> This version is very old. It is recommended that you download and 
> install the most current version, 2.0.3 (2.0.4 is due very soon).
> Find it at http://download.openoffice.org.
> > My problem is documents download from the internet and e-mail in > >
> > OpenOffice.org instead of WORD (Microsoft Works). I want to return >
> > to downloading documents using WORD (Microsoft Works Version 6.0).
> >
> >   
> First, your statements are contradictory.  Works and Word are not 
> compatible.  That is, Word is a word processing program, with its own 
> format which can be read by Word and several other programs, including 
> OpenOffice.org, but NOT by Works.

8<-- snip -->8

Hi Matt, just a note of clarification here. I don't know if it is the
case in all countries, but in some cases Microsoft does/has release(d)
an edition of Works that includes Word as an extra component. It threw
me when I first started encountering these Works packages, but I promise
you they do exist and I suspect this is the type of package Millicent
has. In which case your advice to her about changing the file
associations is correct.


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