On Tuesday 26 September 2006 3:37 pm, Ross Bernheim wrote:


> I had a database project in mind at the last company. The boss there
> would not even
> consider anything that did not run on MS Windows. He offered Access. I
> declined and
> suggested MySQL. I did not do the project since they would not give me
> any rights to
> the database scheme, etc. even though I would be doing after hours on
> my own time.
> In researching databases, the nicest thing anyone ever said about
> Access was the
> left handed compliment by a Microsoft employee who said that it came
> for free with
> Office, which it did at the time.

I think he's right. After I posted my comment yesterday, I rec'd a phone call 
via a reference, and have an idea I'm going to run into this problem of what 
to do with an Access database. So, if there's a conversion to any database 
for Linux, I'm "all ears!"

This particular company is small......only 10 users total, and from what I 
little I know at this point, the number of fields used would be minimal, in 
which case I could simply build a database in Base and import from a comma 
separated export from Access. The owner has "had it" with MickySoft and would 
like to dump it entirely.


MickySoft, the ultimate corporate parasite.

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