On Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:24 PM [GMT+1=CET], Brian Knittel <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How do you make Command (Apple) key shortcuts?
> All the other Mac apps use Command-c, Command-v, etc., and I'm
> finding it difficult to switch back and forth. I can't believe there
> isn't a way, but I've been unable to find it. I followed the
> instructions to use the Tools->Customize menu but there doesn't seem
> to be any way to specify the Command key.
Interesting. I don't know anything about Macs but on Windows there's a thing 
called the Alt (for Alternate Shift) key. OO doesn't support it for shortcuts 
either whereas all (I guess there might be a few exceptions) other Windows apps 

On the other hand there must be code in OO to handle the Alt key because main 
(and sub-) menu options like File, Edit etc. are accessible via Alt-F, Alt-E 
and so on, just like a native Windows app. How does that work on a Mac? Via the 
Command key? Or ...

I personally think this is taking Coding To The Lowest Common Denominator too 
far. But that's just me.

Harold Fuchs
London, England

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