Try downloading again the program, and be patient: it is rather big, and I suppose you could have interrupted the downlading.
Just one possibility.
Any new program will first give you unexpected work. You should evaluate it only when you have some experience of it.
Marc Hug

Wayne Bergeron a écrit :


I have downloaded your open office program ,and all I have received is an icon 
reading open
                              g 20
                              installation files
I thought that I had already installed the whole program. when I open the icon, 
it goes to a page that dosn't help me at all. Perhaps with more knowledge I 
could figure it out but that is not the purpose of doenloading this program. It 
is supposed to help me, not give me more work. What am I doing wrong ? What am 
I supposed to be doing ? Please advise.

Wayne Bergeron

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