I also agree that there are many more important
issues. To me, drag and drop works great in Calc,
actually easier than in Excel, where you have to be
careful to click on the border of the cell or the
area. In Calc, once you make a selection, all you need
to do is click somewhere within the area, a much
bigger target. 

For doing a single cell, one needs to know the "trick"
about first selecting two cells, then dragging back so
that only the target cell is selected. Once you know
how to do it, it is very easy, and in my mind, still
simpler than Excel where again, you need to carefully
click on the border of the cell only.

--- Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Adrian Try wrote:
> >> Possibly an unfair question.  Could you comment
> on the possibility of 
> >> a simple drag for a single cell - should an issue
> be filed, of course?
> >
> > I think it's worth filing an issue, or voting on
> it if one already 
> > exists.
> >
> > In the meantime, it is possible to drag and drop a
> single cell in 
> > calc, but it's not as intuitive as it should be.
> >
> > Here's how:
> >
> > 1. Using the mouse, drag to select more than one
> cell, then move the 
> > mouse back so only one cell is selected. The cell
> should appear black.
> >
> > 2. Drag and drop the border of the cell.
> >
> > I think the trick is to select the cell so that it
> appears black. 
> > That's the way cells appear when you select
> multiple cells. It 
> > possibly should be more intuitive, though.
> >
> > Adrian 
> Having filed or studied various issues, I have a
> fairly good idea of the 
> likely response to this one.  It would be one of two
> standard responses 
> which spring to mind: low priority or it works for
> me.
> This would almost certainly be seen as an
> extravagant way to spend 
> resources.  I have to agree that there are probably
> more important issues.
> -- 
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