
> Use MSO with some of the a11y tools, to discover just how much 
> functionality is gone. [Your a11y power user for MSO is not able to do 
> as much, functionally, as an intermediate non-a11y user.]

OK, I see where you're coming from. As you seem to know more about a11y
than I do I will believe that an application that shall support a11y
users as much as non-a11y users will need to be designed for this from
the beginning. In this sense OOo needs a redesign and probably we could
end up with rewriting larges parts of it (as obviously is also true for
the competition). "Large parts" means that not everything needs to be
rewritten as there is a lot of code that is not relevant for a11y - OOo
is much more modular than a lot of people believe. But most probably the
GUI code, the layout and parts of the document model are affected.

OTOH our goal is not to provide such an application now. If you have
limited resources your goal is not to create the "best everywhere" but
something that fulfills the most important requirements in the best
possible way. In case of a11y it seems that most affected people would
be pleased already if we had the same support in OOo as they get from
the competition. The reasons that we fall behind here are partially
platform related or caused by the mentioned "handcrafted" tooling but
admittedly also in our own product.

>> throw out the current OOo GUI but you still can keep most of the code
>> below it.
> There are a number of other reasons why the OOo code needs to be 
> rewritten -- Unicode 4.0 compliance and the removal of the duplicate 
> libraries being one of them. [And yes, I know those are related matters 
> that will be done "real soon now".]

I don't know what you mean with "duplicate libaries" but you are right
that we had to do quite a lot for UniCode 4 support. It wouldn't be a
complete rewrite. It should be not more work than the switch from single
byte characters to UCS-2 strings (unfortunately! I would have preferred
UTF-8 strings) we did before the source code was released. The reason
why we hesitate to make the switch is not that we are afraid of the
effort, it would make our current C++ UNO binding incompatible and so we
must have *very* good reasons to do this. Until now it's unclear wether
this is the case here. But times may change and requirements also.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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