Something must be wrong... to the best of my knowledge, I should be subscribed and not be receiving this message!

autoresponse:help hints for unsubscribed users wrote:


Thank you for your recent email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The OpenOffice.org project welcomes your participation.
The mailing list users@openoffice.org is normally for subscribed posters
only, but we also want to help new users of OpenOffice.org so we allow
other emails into onto our mailing list. Since you have received this
autoresponse, it means that your email has been allowed onto the mailing list, even though you aren't subscribed, and may be read by many, many other users.

The vast majority of other users on this mailing list are volunteers who
are happy to share information with others and frequently help other users.

The normal ettiquette on mailing lists is to respond only to the list address and not directly to the email address of the person asking the question. Though many of the list members will notice that you are not subscribed and will send a copy of their response to you, this is not always the case. Therefore, you may not receive all responses at your email address.

Please also remember that you should always reply to users@openoffice.org only, and not directly to the person helping you. There are literally thousands of people participating in the mailing list. Others on the list can also help. Also, by replying to the mailing list, everyone benefits from the questions asked and the solutions provided.

You can of course join our helpful community mailing lists - there is no cost and you are only required to restrict your emails to OpenOffice.org topics: - users@openoffice.org : for OpenOffice.org questions, or when you feel comfortable, replies to questions; - discuss@openoffice.org : for OpenOffice.org general discussions; - dev@openoffice.org : for questions developing compiling OpenOffice.org; and
 - dev@api.openoffice.org : for programming using the OpenOffice.org APIs.

There are several ways to participate in the mailing lists:
- subscribe to the users mailing list by emailing mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
NOTE: that the users@openoffice.org list has between 30 and 100 mails per day - most of which are interesting responses to answers. If you find that after awhile you are not comfortable with this volume of email then you can always be removed from the mailing list by sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] AND DO NOT FORGET TO ALSO REPLY TO THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL!
- subscribe to the relevant newsserver gateway for the mailing list on
news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.openoffice.questions (i.e. users@openoffice.org) news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.openoffice.general (i.e. discuss@openoffice.org)

There is no compulsion to join the mailing list or the news server gateway.

If you only want to read replies without interacting with the mailing list
then all you need to do is to use the websites :
 - http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.openoffice.questions or
 - http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/SummarizeList?listName=users

Simply look down in the list until you find your question. Often the answers are shown following the question. Sometimes however the answers get separated from the question, and show up separate in the list. Simply start at your question and then move forward in the time sequence.

The benefit of using this approach is, quite often the questions and answers are grouped together - either by question (on gmane.org) or in the order they were received (on the openoffice.org site).

There are also additional facilities where you can search for answers. Often the question you want to ask has already been raised, and the answers are in the archive. You are encouraged to check the archives as your question has probably been asked and answered previously : http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/SearchList?listName=users ( note that you will probably want to change from "search subject" to "search body")

Many people check out the archives first, and then if they can't find an answer, they ask the question in the mailing list.

NOTE: that all emails sent to the mailing list are public, including your email address. We do have filters to prevent virus and spam going to the mailing list, but this may not stop mail harvesters from getting your email address for spam.

Other useful resources include :
- http://user-faq.openoffice.org/#FAQ : where many questions that are frequently asked have been answered or http://documentation.openoffice.org/faqs/index.html - http://documentation.openoffice.org : where you will find alot of relevant documentation;
 - http://www.ooforum.org : an online help forum;
 - http://OOoDocs.org : extra documentaion;
 - http://OOExtras.org : has templates, artwork, labels, etc
 - http://OOoMacros.org : has extra macros and documentation
- http://codesnippets.services.openoffice.org : has macro examples

I hope that some of the above has been helpful for you,
CP Hennessy

P.S. If are already a member and are receiving this message, then your email
address is not be recognized. Please check the email address you used to
subscribe and the email address you used to post your message. If they
are different, this is the reason.

Inspired by Kelvins autoreply service.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alan Frayer
Don't just read the news - make the news at

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