Dotan Cohen wrote:
On 23/10/06, Brian E. Blandford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You're really going to think me stupid now.
I thought I did have most of the records backed up from the last time
that I made a back-up DVD. But I discovered that somehow or other all my
directories had been saved as files - which are of course un-openable.
The only thing I can think of to explain that is that I had dragged the
directories into the wrong pane in K3b.
C'est la vie!
I've made a new back-up DVD, and checked the directories are directories
and all the files can be opened from inside them.

I don't think you stupid. As far as the kernel is concerned, all
directories _are_ files. Try copying the DVD to a hard disk and see if
you can open the directories. You can verify how much info is on the
disk by looking at the laser side of it and seeing how far it was
burned. If it's pretty empty, then you may be in bad shape. But if
it's burned a good way down, then the data is there, you're just not
reading it.

What filesystem was the data on before it went to DVD? Waht distro are
you on? Try posting in your distro's mailing list, they may be able to
help you get the data off the disk.

Dotan Cohen

If it is a file, then you can mount the data using the loopback feature of mount. In a terminal window, you can type in "man mount"

You may both recover your data and learn a lot about Linux. This is the power of Linux.
Robin Laing

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