To Pete Holsberg: Not on Linux it doesn/t! Problem with USERS is it
doesn't differentiate between Windows and Linux and if you have both,
guess what, the same thread will show on both. I have seen the same
comment from you about 2.0.4 on Windows, but if you noticed, I did not
answer there. So, there is no sarcasm involved, just a system confusion
in USERS setup!! :-)

Pete Holsberg wrote:
> Dan Lewis wrote:
>> Reply To:
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
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>> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> On Thursday 19 October 2006 04:26 pm, Pete Holsberg wrote:
>>> John Boyle wrote:
>>>> To Users: The problem with all the discussion on this problem is
>>>> that no one has really addressed what do people do who use
>>>> Seamonkey or Mozilla? And you CANNOT use these methods in Linux
>>>> anyway!!!
>>> My impression is that Linux users of TB and Seamonkey users do
>>> not have this problem. And why is anyone still using Mozilla?? ;-)
>>      Well, I use Seamonkey on Linux. Guess what? OOo 2.0.4 would not
>> recognize Seamonkey. This holds true for the previous version as well
>> as the one just released. However, OOo has no problems using Kmail.
>> And for Windows users, the OOo Linux version has a place to specify
>> the email client to use. (The Windows version does not.)
> Interesting, but this thread concerns only Windows XP and OOo v2.04.
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