Thomas w. Cranston wrote:
> Tom wrote:
>> Kirill S. Palagin wrote:
>> I'm not knocking MSFT Office.  I'm simply applauding OpenOffice.  I
>> support it, and look forward to the developers optimizing it further,
>> and hammering out the bugs.
> I'm not knocking Open Office Office.  I'm pointing out problems in
> OpenOffice that need to be fixed.  I support it, and look forward to
> the developers optimizing it further, and hammering out the bugs.
One point I would like to make as part of the QA team is this:  If you
find a problem, please open a new issue if one does not exist for your
problem or update an existing issue and VOTE FOR IT.  By opening an
issue or voting for an existing issue this advises the various
development teams know that the problem exists and that more than one
person is affected.  Please post the issue number back to this venue so
that others can look into your problem and other can add their
comments/votes to it.

> There are things about MS Office that I despise, but for now I tend to
> use it more than OO for what I do.
> It's the squeaky wheel that gets greased.

James McKenzie

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