>arnold huzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
>>Why is it that every time a users asks this question that he is advised 
>>to create a PDF-document from the OO-document. OO is capable of sending 
>>a document in the corresponding MSFT-format. The users can test the 
>>conversion from ODF to (in this case) DOC to see what it does to the 
>>formatting of his text. If it looks the same then he can send it to the 
>>readers. Although diskspace isn't so much an issue anymore, anything 
>>that saves diskspace would be better than creating extra documents that 
>>one never uses again.
>Arnold Huzen
>Thank you for your effort to help me but I have no clue what you mean by 
OO Document is a document in the OpenDocument format.  

OpenOffice.org is capable of saving files in many formats, but the most 
favorable is this format.  Saving in other formats, such as MS Office, will 
result in formatting errors due to the fact that the files have to be reverse 
engineered (which is legal) and then a filter built to create the file.  
However, you do not have to keep these files on your system.  Select Send... 
which will bring up a secondary menu and then select Send as Doc.  This will 
envoke the save feature but the file is saved to an attachment which is placed 
in a mail message in the system mail client, which could be Outlook, 
Thunderbird or another program.  You then compose a message and send it.

James McKenzie

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