Marc Hug wrote:

What should have been said is that this

is only for Unix systems.

It's certainly easier if you're already familiar with Unix or Linux scripting, or even DOS or command shell scripting on Windows, but you should be able to find all the utilities on the web that you need to unpack and get it to work on Windows (at least in batch mode).

Many can be found here in one place:

"tar" (should include unzipping option) -
"zip" -
pdfinfo and pdf2ppm -

The shell script probably calls a number of other standard Unix utility programs, most if not all are included in this package:

Any dependencies will also need to be installed, so perhaps it's easiest to use the maintenance package described here:

Some I didn't see there can be found here:
"bash" command shell -
"convert" is part of imagemagick -


Marc H.

Fernando a écrit :

I think it would be nice to have the pdf2oo for Windows.
   Please, developt it.

Ross Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
 Marc Hug wrote:

OK I downloaded "pdf2oo-20060811.tar.gz". And now, what can I do with it ? There is no instruction about the way to use it.

What system are you using? It's primarily intended to run on Linux, although any system that has the required software utilities installed plus the "bash" shell interpreter should be able to run it. The required software is usually already included in Linux as standard. There is a little more info at but not much.

There's only one file inside the package that you need, which is the pdf2oo shell script itself (yes, it's nothing more than a shell script - which is why it shouldn't be too difficult to rewrite as a macro in OOo). It calls other utilities to do the graphic conversion and final zipping up of the OOo Impress document (each page of the PDF file is a separate slide in an Impress presentation. Some of these are already used by OOo if they exist.

In case anyone isn't familiar with unpacking these files on Linux, here's the command line method. Run the following in a command shell:

tar zxvf pdf2oo-20060811.tar.gz pdf2oo

This will extract the script, which should be executable. If you prefer, these packages can also be unpacked using GUI tools in most Linux filesystem browsers by double clicking on the file's icon.

I run Fedora Core 3 Linux and had no trouble with the required software utilities that pdf2oo needs. They were all there.

Once you have the script somewhere (/usr/local/bin is suggested), it is easiest to run it in command line mode as follows:

pdf2oo -batch

This will display the command line usage options.

usage: pdf2oo [-batch|-interactive] [-color|-gray] [-r resolution] [-transparent|-opaque] input_file [output_file]

Resolution is in dpi. Defaults are 150 dpi, grayscale, not transparent, interactive.

I tried it on a junk pdf file as follows:

pdf2oo -batch junk.pdf

This produced a greyscale odp file at low resolution as expected.

I tried something a little harder, which also worked fine, but took significantly longer to run and to load into OOo (but not unexpected):

pdf2oo -batch -color -r 600 -transparent junk.pdf

Here's the README file from inside the package:

This is a very simple program, just run it.

It is better enjoied when right-clicking on a pdf in a file manager, choosing

"open with..." -> oopdf.

Copy oopdf in /usr/local/bin so that every user in your system can use it.

You need the following commands to run pdf200:

text mode:



pdfinfo | xpdf-config | xpdf-utils

pdftoppm | xpdf | xpdf-reader

convert | ImageMagick | imagemagick

zip | zip | zip

graphical mode:



kdialog | kdebase3 | kdebase-bin

kmdr-executor | kdewebdev3 | kommander

dcop | kdelibs3 | kdelibs-bin

Bye, have fun.

Vincenzo Ciancia

vincenzo_ml at yahoo dot it

applejack at users dot sf dot net

ciancia at di dot unipi dot it

======= DEVELOPMENT =======

Feel free to discuss anything directly at one of the e-mail addresses listed


Marc H.

Keith Bates a écrit :

On Sat, 04 Nov 2006 13:59:34 +1100
Terry wrote:

Ross Johnson wrote:

Terry wrote: wrote:

Marc wrote:

I am interested too. What macro?




Honestly, Jonathon, this is like getting blood out of a stone. In which library is that macro stored, please?

Googling for PDF2ODF didn't find it, but I assume this is it:


Thanks for that. I'm not sure it's the same thing. The original message referred to "the macro in the current version of OOo".

I don't have the current version installed. Anyone who does have it installed will just have to search the macro libraries in the hope of finding it.

There is an issue for this to be implemented, although for a number of
reasons it looks like it may never be included in OOo as such.
There seems to be some disagreement about whether it is a "Good
Thing" or not, and also Adobe's attitude to editing PDF files-
although I think that's a furphy. Take a look at:

Take the time to register a vote for the issue to move it up the
priority list.

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