On Monday 06 November 2006 18:45, SamA wrote:
> Just 'discovered' Open Office. Am impressed and oike using it BUT...got a
> problem with spellchecker. No matter how I try to configure spellchecker
> for UK English only, it persists in reverting to US English. It's driving
> me nuts. Any help greatly appreciated.
> Jetsam

This brief guide may help.

Languages in OpenOffice

To obtain the relevant dictionaries, go to
   File -> Wizards -> Install new dictionaries
and download the ones you want.

To set the default language for your installation, go to
   Tools -> Options -> Language Settings / Languages
and set the default for all your documents. If there is a
dictionary for your selection, there will be a tick mark against it.

It is important to remember that language is an attribute of the text
of a document, and can be set differently in different parts of
the same document. This allows foreign language quotes to be separately
checked against the appropriate dictionary.

To set the default for a document that is different from the
default setting for all other documents, when you have opened
the document (or started a new one) go to the Default style
and change it there. F11 (or Format -> Styles and Formatting) brings up
the style list. Right click on Default (or the root style for your document)
go to Modify -> Font tab where you can set the language for this style
and will be carried down to other styles derived from it unless otherwise

To change the language for a piece of text, highlight the text and go to
   Format -> Character -> Font tab (or right click -> Character -> Font)
where you can set the language for just that portion of text.

If you set up your styles for a language in an empty document and then
save it as a template (File -> Templates -> Save), then you can select the 
appropriate one to start a new document with File -> New -> Templates and 

Andy Pepperdine

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