On Wednesday 08 November 2006 08:38, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Nov 2006 02:38:37 +1100
> Ross Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:
> > John Jason Jordan wrote:
> > >I have Ghostscript installed on my Linux computer. I don't have
> > >spadmin, and can't find it to install it.
> >
> > spadmin is part of the Linux OOo package and the standard OOo rpms put
> > it in /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/spadmin.
> >
> > If you can't find it, try running:
> >
> > locate spadmin
> Well, that didn't work. I did "locate spadmin" and it found it:
> /home/jjj/.openoffice/1.1.3/spadmin
> /home/jjj/.foxrc/.openoffice/1.1.3/spadmin
> /usr/lib/openoffice/program/spadmin
> /usr/lib/openoffice/program/spadmin.bin
> So I navigated to /usr/lib/openoffice/program and the ls command says
> it is there. So is spadmin.bin. But here's what happened:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/openoffice/program$ spadmin
> bash: spadmin: command not found

So the current directory is not in $PATH. You can start it with
and IIRC, spadmin has to be run as root.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/openoffice/program$ spadmin.bin
> bash: spadmin.bin: command not found
> Dunno what's wrong. :(
> > > But I printed the form from
> > >Writer to test_form.ps (using a PostScript Level 2 printer that I own
> > >and have installed). Then I edited the above line to:
> > >
> > >/usr/bin/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
> > >-sInputFile="/home/jjj/Phonetics/test_form.ps"
> > >-sOutputFile="/home/jjj/Phonetics/test_form3.pdf"
> > >
> > >And tried it. It created test_form3.pdf in the Phonetics folder all
> > >right, but it was a zero-byte file. Not sure where to go from here.
> >
> > In this case, could you try:
> >
> > /usr/bin/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
> > -sOutputFile="/home/jjj/Phonetics/test_form3.pdf" \
> > /home/jjj/Phonetics/test_form.ps quit.ps
> >
> > I.e. put the list of input files at the end (quit.ps is a file that gs
> > knows where to find and just provides the "quit" command to tell gs to
> > exit - otherwise gs will stay in interactive mode).
> OK, that created an output file. But when I opened it in Adobe Reader
> 7.0 none of the controls were there. Yet when I print the file to the
> same laser printer (for print output, not to file) the print output
> shows the controls. Therefore, the .ps file must contain the controls.
> So Ghostview is not only not creating an editable PDF file, it isn't even
> embedding the controls contained in the .ps file.
> I have created a website with the relevant files in this discussion:
> http://web.pdx.edu/~johj
> I would appreciate it (and so would the bug-fixers and developers) if
> you and anyone else who is interested in the PDF export problem would
> look at those files and at least verify that the problem is not that I
> am just doing something dumb.
> Also, I can't upgrade my 2.03 to 2.04 because 2.04 is not yet in the
> repositories. Meantime, it would be useful to find out if perhaps this
> problem has been resolved in 2.04. If someone with 2.04 would download
> the files and verify that it does or does not work, I'd appreciate it.
> Thanks for everyone's help so far.
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Andy Pepperdine

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