On Thursday 09 November 2006 02:37 pm, Jan Smoot wrote:
> I am running OSX 10.4.6, G3/600mz, 640meg ram.  When I try to
> launch OpenOffice I receive an error message that I need x11.  When
> I try to download x11 from Apple, I get an install error "You can
> not install x11 on this volume.  Newer software already exists on
> your computer."  What do I do now?  Thanks for your help.
> Jan Smoot
> 116 B West Broad St
> Falls Church, VA  22046
> Voice: 703.534.5233

   There are two things that you should know: how to install OOo on 
an Intel Mac, and the problems associated with the recent update of 
     For installation instructions, you need to go to 
     For the problems with the latest X11 update, this upgrade has 
some fonts that can cause OOo not to start.
     Instructions for solving this problems are found at:
 From James McKenzie
Mac OS X QA/Test Team Lead:

"Since this problem was introduced by Apple and they have acknowledged 
it, they also advise they are in the process  of fixing it."

"Another effort is underway to disable the use of the X11 fonts in 
OpenOffice.org for the Mac to prevent this problem in the future and 
to prevent font conflicts between the Mac fonts and X11 fonts."


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