On Friday 10 November 2006 16:35, Terry wrote:
> The response I got was:
> [quote]
> If they annoy you you can either close or doc [sic] them ... seems to be
> sufficient for me.
> [end quote]

This is just the solution I needed - thanks!

> My suggestion is that you find a better word processor.  Writer seems to
> be based on Word and any M$ software is a bad model.

I respect your suggestion, but it seems a little harsh for a simple 
annoyance - sort of like throwing out the baby with the bath water. 

There are so many excellent features in Writer and OpenOffice that I truly 
enjoy using it. I have been using it for the past 5 years, and I have seen it 
grow and improve tremendously with each release. And yes, each new release 
can bring a few new configuration settings that need to be adjusted to my 
environment/usage model/ - no big deal. I have always found a quick solution 
in either the help files or this list.

With that said, at the end of the day, everyone needs to find the tool that 
best fits their needs. What word processor fits your needs better than 

Cheers, and thanks for your post!

Mark Phillips
602 524-0376 cell
480 945-9197 fax

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