Comment inline:

On Saturday 18 November 2006 06:27 am, ivan spajic wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed Open Office on three computers; all three XP.
> However on one of them and only one of the, where I have Home XP SP
> 2 installed, I have huge problems with Open Office.
> First of all, it refuses to open .doc documents, although these
> documents open normally form Open Office Writer on the other two
> computers. The only way to open these files is to make duplicates
> with an odt. extension on the other computer and then open it on
> this one.

     Open (OOo). Use Control+N to open an untitled text 
document. Type some characters. Click the Save icon or use File > 
Save to open the Save window. At the bottom of this window is a box 
with the label "Automatic file name extension." It is probably not 
checked (ticked) on the problem computer. If it is not, click in the 
box to place an "x" (tick) in it. That should solve this problem.
     If that box has not been checked (ticked), any files that have 
been created do not have an file name extension. Without an 
extension, it is impossible to associate the file with the program 
that should open it.

> Secondly, while this problem does not occur on the other two
> computers, when using .xls files exported from another program (not
> Excel, but a database program), it doesn't recognize special
> croatan characters; č, ć and so on. Again, this problem doesn't
> occur on other systems but it does on this one. Is it possible it's
> an installation problem or is it something else?
> Thanks a lot,
> Ivan


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