Hello Andy,

I read your bug report. In it, you provide a link to your website, which has 
an example odt file that is signed with your signature. I downloaded it and 
opened it in OpenOffice successfully. I went to "File->Properties->Digital 
Signature" and saw your certificate (Serial number 02 C4 63 ). No problems 
whatsoever. So the situation is improved.

I can not however create my own signed documents.

Could tell me what you think of: https://launchpad.net/bugs/48040

On Saturday 18 November 2006 19:01, Andy Pepperdine wrote:

> On Saturday 18 November 2006 08:19, Alexandros Karypidis wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I'm having trouble with OOo crashing when I try to digitally sign a
> > document. I'd like some help to identify the exact cause so that I may
> > file a proper bug report.
> >
> > I obtained my digital certificate from CAcert.org following the
> > instructions in this article:
> > http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/03/1859231
> >
> > The certificate shows up in Firefox with no problems. When I go to "File
> > -> Digital Signatures" and click the "Add..." button, the master password
> > for my FIREFOX (I understand OOo reads the certificate from the firefox
> > files?) is requested. I type it and the certificate shows up. The "View
> > Certificate..." button gives me information with no problems. As soon as
> > I click "OK" to add the certificate, OOo crashes and Document Recovery
> > kicks in.
> >
> > My systems is a Intel 32-bit PC with Kubuntu Edgy. OOo 2.0.4 was
> > installed from the standard Kubuntu packages. I have both GNU & SUN 1.5
> > Java installed. The problems occurs regardless of which JRE is selected.
> Dapper also could not read signatures, and its version of OOo is 2.0.2.
> I've also installed Kubuntu (6.06), and found the same issue. I haven't yet
> tried to sign. Downloading OOo from OOo's website and installing the rpms
> via alien fixed the problem. I'm guessing that Ubuntu have messed up their
> implementation of OOo again. I've logged an Ubuntu bug #70711, but there
> has been zero comment on it so far.
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