On Sunday 19 November 2006 4:30 pm, Joe Seitz wrote:
> Hello...
> Last night I installed Openoffice ver. 204.  I'm running an iMac g5
> with the PowerPC processor with MAC OS X ver. 10.3.9.
> Everything seemed to be OK after the download.  I messed around with
> the program and it seemed workable!
> I shut off my Mac for the night.  This morning when I turned it on I
> got a blinking square icon of the world and my computer stopped
> booting.  It just sat there blinking at me.
> The only way I could get my Mac back online was to hold the option key
> down while I turned the computer on.
> If you know how to fix this I would appreciate it.  Otherwise I would
> like to just delete Openoffice.
> How would I do that?
> Thanks!!
> Joe
> Bellingham, WA

It is highly unlikely that the problem is OO, it is an application your 
booting is the system.. Fred

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