Paul wrote,

> I'm trying to figure out how OO uses templates.
> I just opened a document and made a change to a paragraph
> style...
> I saved and closed that document, then opened another doc
> ("doc2") which is based on a common template. The style changes
> were not present.
> So I closed that doc and open the template for editing. The
> style changes were not present. I made the style changes again,
> saved and closed the file.
> Then I opened doc 2 again. The changes were still not present.
> ...
> How the heck does OO deal with changes to styles in light of
> templates, and with changes in templates in light of docs?
> Word has a simple check box for "Apply changes to template".
> Pretty simple and intuitive. I fail to see an equivalent here.

I think the closest equivalent is "load styles" which you can use to copy style changes from a document to a template (or a document to another document, or a template to a document that is not associated with it). Yes, loading styles is more cumbersome than a simple checkbox, but it does work, and it avoids the common problem I've seen with Word users not realising that the "Apply changes to template" checkbox is selected and accidentally making changes to a template. I personally prefer OOo's approach, but obviously not everyone does.

As for opening doc2 and not finding the template changes present, you should have been presented with a message box saying that your styles have changed and asking if you want to update them. If you didn't get that message, then either doc2 was created with OOo2.0.2, in which a bug prevented that happening, or (as someone else pointed out) you answered "no" at some point to this message and inadvertently disabled it. A macro is available for restoring the update-from-template functionality in docs created with OOo2.0.2; it should also work to restore that functionality to other docs, but I haven't tested this, so I can't say for sure.

Anyway... Chapter 10, "Working with Templates" in the Writer Guide includes general information about the relationship between docs and templates, as well as the macro I mentioned. Chapter 7, "Working with Styles" includes a section on loading styles.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Jean
Jean Hollis Weber
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