On Sunday 26 November 2006 03:12 am, jorge alejandro rios blanco 
> Hi there. I am using version 2.0.4 of OpenOffice.org. My problem is
> :
> I need to protect some documents with password so that only I can
> access them. Thing is: I followed the procedure for securing those
> documents using OO help and this article:
> http://documentation.openoffice.org/online_help/htmlhelp/text/share
> Problem is that when the Save dialog appears; the “Save with
> password” option isn't a valid one (appears in gray). What can I
> do? Please help !!! I really love your software and don't want to
> return to Microsoft, but I'm desperate to protect the access to my
> private files. Thanx.
>                                                   Axel

     You have not stated what type of documents you are trying to save 
with a password. HTML, for example, can not be saved with a password. 
Please reply with this additional information so that someone can 
help you with it.


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