2006/11/26, Kerrie and Malcolm Tisdale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Yes, but I deleted the old ooo and have tried to download the newer
(after installing the proper java script) and I haven't been able to
the new one. One problem I have is I only have dial up (I live in the
of Wisconsin) and it takes forever. Any suggestions now that I have gotten
rid of the old program? Do you know why it does that?
Thank you,

Hello Kerrie

If downloading takes too much time, you could order a cd from a distributor
near you. OpenOffice.org has a list of them:

IT-shops etc. will sell CD's with OOo, some at a reasonable price (after all
it only costs them a CD, some time to burn everything on it, and
postage...), others quite a lot more...
Some IT-magazines distribute CD's with OOo on it, among other programs.
Ask a friend with a fast internet connection to burn OOo on a CD for you.

good luck!
using english OOo 2.0.4 on an G4 iMac Panther and on a G4 PPC Powerbook
--please reply only to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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