On Monday 27 November 2006 05:09 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, I've recently changed over to a new hard drive/OS (Windows XP)
> and found that the old files I created with Open Office 2.0.2 under
> Windows 98 do NOT contain any of the images I embedded in them. 
> This goes for both RTF and doc files.
> My concern is that if I install the latest Open Office under
> Windows XP, the same thing will happen.  I began to notice the
> problem right before changing over to the new hard drive, where any
> time I changed an embedded image's location, the image would no
> longer display in my file.  These are standard jpg and gif images.
> Is the missing image problem linked to Windows 98, or is it
> something which will occur under Windows XP as well?  If it's
> linked to Windows 98, how do I restore any images that were lost,
> short of tediously re-embedding them?  If it's not linked to
> Windows 98 and will occur under Windows XP as well, how do I set
> images in a document so they don't get deleted if an image's path
> is subsequently changed?  This is especially critical for my
> purposes, as I'm writing instructions with illustrations which I
> then send to others.  If my documents contain no illustrations, the
> instructions will make no sense at all.  I need to be able to send
> *complete* doc or RTF files, without having to reference and
> include separate images.  Otherwise, these are nothing more than
> fancy text files!
> Thank you for any assistance,
> Melanie

     It seems to me that you have not embedded these illustrations. 
Try this. Using OOo, open a document which is in the same directory 
(folder) as its illustration files. If the illustrations appear in 
the document as they should, right click one of the illustrations. 
Select "Picture" from the context menu. Click the Picture tab of the 
"Picture" window. If a file name is listed in the Link section, that 
illustration is not embedded: it is linked.
     If your illustrations are linked as I suspect, open the Edit 
Links window by using Edit > Links. Look for the "Break Link" button 
on the right and click it. Save the document, close it, move it to 
another folder, and open it again. All the illustrations should be 


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