On Sun November 26 2006 9:34 pm, Dean Allen Provins wrote:
> > the -s -m and -b options might function but nothing appears to work. (At 
> > least not as I would expect.) 
> > 
> > I really want something very simple. To print the 1/2-letter pages side by 
> > side in landscape orientation on a full letter page without scaling the 
> > originals at all. 
> I believe that psnup rescales down to a smaller page size (I played with
> it quite a while ago), so you may have to set the initial font size and
> line spacing etc. to something larger, so that it ends up at the desired
> point size etc when reduced.
I've compiled what I'm looking for and I'll post it to the thread for 
Basically here are the steps for printing pages pre-formated to 5.5x8.5 (ie: 
Letter size folded in half) side by side.

Print to a *.ps
psbook -s### <InFileName> <OutFileName>   (-s = Numberof signatures)
pstops -pletter '2:0L(8.5in,0)+1L(8.5in,5.5in)' <InFileName>  >  <OutFileName>
lp <FileName> -d <PrinterName>

These utilities are available in most Linux distributions. For Windows users I 
believe you can find equivalents on the web if you hunt around a bit. 

Thanks again for all of the replies and help.

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