I am using a Mac PowerBook G4 (PPC) running OSX.  I have made sure that
latest version of X11User.dmg for my non-intel mac is installed in the
Applications/Utilities folder and seems to be running properly.  I have
downloaded the OOo_2.0.4_MacOSXPPC_install.dmg and put the OpenOffice file
in the applications folder.

When running it opens the X11 and gives the font translation dialog and
creates the OpenOffice.org 2.0/user/fonts folders with 118 .ttf font files
inside.  Then it quits with no other input or error messages.  The log file
indicates no problem.  Paste below:

2006-12-02 13:54:46 (scripts/PostInstall) started.
2006-12-02 13:54:46 (scripts/PostInstall) finished.
2006-12-02 13:55:15 (scripts/PostInstall) started.
2006-12-02 13:55:15 (scripts/PostInstall) finished.
2006-12-02 17:09:07 (scripts/PostInstall) started.
2006-12-02 17:09:19 (scripts/PostInstall) finished.
2006-12-02 17:11:16 (scripts/PostInstall) started.
2006-12-02 17:11:17 (scripts/PostInstall) finished.
2006-12-02 17:59:37 (scripts/PostInstall) started.
2006-12-02 17:59:37 (scripts/PostInstall) finished.

No dialog comes up the application just quits.  I have redownload X11 and
OpenOffice with the same results. I have looked on the support page and have
not found similar problems or a fix.

Please let me know what else I can try.

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