On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 14:21:06 +0100, Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jonas Karlsson wrote:
On Sun, 03 Dec 2006 05:05:25 +0100, Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jonas Karlsson wrote:

I just recently tried to upgrade to 2.0.4 of OpenOffice.org, from 1.1.4 (I know, I'm a bit slow :) ). But I can't get it to launch. Every time I try to launch it, either through the scripts or the bin directly I get "Application cannot be started. An internal error occurred". I had no such problems with 1.1.4 and if I revert to 1.1.4, it works just fine.


I have made a 'strace -f soffice.bin -writer', which is available here: http://phpfi.com/180368

/Jonas Karlsson


Version 2.0.4 of OpenOffice may not have been a felicitous choice because it is regressive.

Regressive? In what way?

Things that were working are now broken. Other things broken in the previous release have not been fixed. The situation is such that users have uninstalled the software and reinstalled earlier versions, even as far back as 2.0.1. Other users have decided not to update.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the distro package, as other using the same distro can use the package. There's something with my system that OOo 2.0.x doesn't like. I have tried another OOo package provided by another GoboLinux user. Of course the package works on his system, but not on mine. That package was the hungarian version of OOo 2.0.4. I could try to install the slackware package, but I think I will get the same error.

Could it be something in your desktop settings? Have you tried using another desktop or a different user account?

Yes, both. As I stated in my first mail I created a new user to check just that. The new user had no desktop environment set, so it started twm :) but as I'm not very fond of that wm I also tried KDE. Me, myself, use Window Maker, so that makes it two users and three windowmanagers.

In both my Linux OS's, the OOo installer created a link to the programme folder in /etc which houses system configuration files. I don't know the significance of that.
Are you saying that you have a link /etc/program -> /opt/openoffice-2.0/program (if the latter was your install directory)?

Yes. As I say, I don't know the purpose of the link. The link is not to the program subfolder but to the head folder containing all related files and folders.

I tried to create a link /System/Settings/program -> /Programs/OpenOffice/2.0.4 (which is equivalent to /etc and /opt/openoffice.org-2.0.4) but to no avail.

Do you have / need the equivalent, did you have root (or equivalent) permissions when you installed and have you tried installing at a user level? Is the executable executable by "other"?

I have superuser privileges on my system and installed it into a directory equivalent to /opt. I have not tried to install it at user level. Do you think that will make a difference?

I was wondering about the point you made about permissions. I suspect it's not the reason. If there is anything in it, installing at user level should overcome that. I would not do it except as a last resort.

Well, the chown and chroot should have taken care of that. Even if permissions were an issue, I've tried to run OOo as superuser, but that didn't work either.

Well, I submitted the trace for two reasons.
First to show that, although the "strange" directory structure, all files and libraries were found by OOo. Seconldy maybe someone can see what the "internal error" is. I mean, that is not a verbose error message.

Try posting on the Setup and Troubleshooting forum as well. http://www.oooforum.org/ [Be prepared for a lot of spam displayed on the home page.]

I'll try that.


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