Have a look at OOo's Setup Guide for starters. It may explain alien sufficiently. Otherwise, look in your distro's help resources (always fun).

The distros have not mastered the art of making their operating systems workable for software, so they mess around with software to make it work without the necessary libraries on their operating systems.

While at it, some of them introduce their own quaint ideas into the software, including new "undocumented features" (i.e. breakages) in the process. As I think I mentioned, the OOo forum is replete with complaints from users of the Ubuntu and Debian versions of OpenOffice. The Ubuntu forums are replete with complaints.


M Henri Day wrote:
It just goes to show, things aren't always what they seem to be ! I'm
beginning to feel pretty 'alien' myself, when confronted with these
difficulties ! Could I ask you, Jim, to explain in some detail for a 'noob'
some myself, to what you were referring when you referred to 'setting up
[the "official" version of OOo] with alien' ? If little green men from Mars or some as yet to us unknown Earth-like planet circling a distant star can
help me with these download problems, I'd be delighted !...

My greatest problem, along side of which OOo's sudden disappearance followed by resurrection in which the lost documents are easily recovered, is merely
a minor annoyance, is that I've been unable to gain access to a means of
writing passages in Chinese or Japanese in documents written mainly in
European languages. I've installed all the SCIM-files in Ubuntu and made the appropriate adjustments in OOo, but the one thing I've hitherto been unable to do is to activate the settings so that I can insert a series of graphs (a
book title, a quote, etc) into a sentence in say, English or French or
Swedish. What do I have to do ? My standard keyboard setting is Swedish,
which works rather well for most European languages (not so well for Danish
or Norwegian, but that is an inter-Nordic dispute), and I have set
simplified Chinese as the standard for so-called 'Asian' languages. But how
can I change from the former to the latter, either between documents or
within a document. I've read the help pages which tell me to use 'Control + space' or 'shift + space' to toggle back and forth between the two settings,
but nothing happens ! This, indeed, was easier in Windows and Word, where
everything required could be accomplished with a few mouse clicks. Anybody
feel like taking pity on me in my ignorance and providing me with
step-by-step instructions to make things work ?...


2006/12/14, jimw wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I Use Ubuntu as well, though I haven't switched to the new version just yet.
I've always used the 'official' version of OOo, setting it up with alien.
The first few Ubuntu Openoffices did not include the thesaurus,but if you
wanted to go to the trouble, you could load the Ubuntu OpenOffice Thesaurus

That made me wonder what else they'd been messing around with, so I only use
the official version now. That way, when I have a problem, I can get help
from the users group.



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