On Wednesday 20 December 2006 15:58, Richard Detwiler wrote (regarding Re: 
[users] I am using version 2.1 of OpenOffice.org. My problem is format 
accuracy with MS Word):
> Glenn Seidman wrote:
> > DougT,
> >
> > I am starting from Microsoft Word, not Writer.
> >
> > The problem is that we are performing complex processing on the original
> > Microsoft Word document (created in Microsoft Word) using the OpenOffice
> > API and once we do the processing using this API, the formatting and
> > pagination gets slightly messed up. Then we generate the PDF.
> >
> > We have attorneys using the results of the PDF and they are getting
> > irritated due to the lack of synchronization from the original word
> > document. All the complex processing is doing is replacing simple values
> > in the document so we don't expect pagination to change.
> >
> > Thank you for your assistance,
> > Glenn
> Glenn:
> If you're starting with a Word document, and the documents are complex
> like you imply, I'm guessing the problems come from converting from Word
> format to OpenOffice format. From my experience, simple documents
> convert fine, but the more complex a document, the more likely it is
> that some formatting will be botched up in the translation process.
> It sounds like you're basically using OpenOffice as a way of converting
> a Word document to a pdf document, which isn't really the intended use
> of OpenOffice. My suggestion would be to obtain a PDF creation software
> package. Adobe Acrobat is the probably the most common but is also
> fairly expensive. I've had good success with a free program called PDF
> Creator. I'd suggest trying that, or else do a search for other PDF
> creation packages.


If what Richard (in his mail above) surmises is true, and if you are on 
Windoze, you could try out a PDF "creator" called PrimoPDF 
(http://www.primopdf.com), which installs as if it were a printer.  You 
can "print" anything to this printer, and the software would create a decent 
PDF output.  The web pages say it is free....

The standard caveat is, of course, YMMV.

On the other hand, if the surmise is not correct, and/or you are not on 
Windoze, my apologies, and you do know where the delete key is :-)

Pradeep Srinivas

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