Jay wrote:
Harold Fuchs <oo_volunteer <at> wolfeden.demon.co.uk> writes:

You must save the document in Word format. Use File>Save As and select the relevant version (probably "97/2000/XP") of Microsoft Word as the file type. Also make sure you have "Automatic file name extension" checked. This will cause your document to be saved in a format that Word can read. Unfortunately Microsoft Office is currently deficient in that it cannot read/write ISO (International Standards Organisation) format documents. Microsoft has committed to rectifying this in the future. OpenOffice can read/write most Word documents although they are not 100% compatible, particularly for complex documents. The reason for tihs is that Microsoft does not publish the inner workings of its format so other software cannot guarantee to be able to handle all its subtelties.

Harold Fuchs
London, England

I believe this has changed with the new Office 2007 suite - all documents will be in OpenXML format (published!), so hopefully future versions of OO can do proper read/writes.

What does their (M$'s) Kool-aid taste like? OpenXML is *not* Open Document Format (ISO 26300). Micro$oft is working to propagate a parallel but different standard with a confusingly similar name to sway the gullible in order to maintain their lock on the desktop. They adopted this tactic only after losing business to to the REAL open document standard.


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