On Saturday 23 December 2006 17:24, Harold Fuchs wrote (regarding Re: [users] 
Re: Finding Several Numbers in Calc (was Re: [users] [moderated] YOU MUST 
> Better. You can highlight up to three separate exact values by using
> conditional fomattting.
> 1. Create a new style called, say, YellowBackground which, as its name
> implies, has its Background attribute set to yellow. This style can be
> saved so you don't need to create it each time. 2. Select the cells you
> want to search.
> 3. Go to Format>Conditional Formatting; you will be given the opportunity
> to set the style for up to 3 values based on the (exact) value of the cell
> (or on various other conditions). So, for each of the (up to) three values,
> enter the value and set the style to YellowBackground. 4. The cells having
> the chosen value(s) will appear with yellow backgrounds.
> The highlight can be reverted with a single Edit>Undo so that you can find
> different values without confusing things.
> Harold Fuchs
> London, England


Now, why did I not think of it ????

Pradeep Srinivas
Bangalore, India

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