OOo 2.1 Linux
Ubuntu 6.061 LTS (Dapper) Linux Kernel 2.6.15-27-386

Ran into some rather odd behavior using Base today. I inadvertently
tried to open a dbase .dbf file directly from Base (File|Open)as soon as
I select the file and I click on "Open" Base dies. By "die" I mean it
just disappears, blip, gone, off the radar, not even a running process.
The procedure is repeatable.  Anyone else experience this on the Linux
or Windows version?

Note: Yes I know that I can only open the .dbf by opening a Base .odb
first, and yes I did successfully open the .dbf later using the proper
procedures. I wasn't thinking when I attempted to open directly from
File|Open. However, I would think that Base would have given me an error
msg instead of simply disappearing off of the radar.

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