Might I suggest putting dates in as 13 jun 07 (even 13jun7 works,) thereby obviating any ambiguity about which field is the month. I just tried it in 2.1/Solaris10 and it works here.


Dan Lewis wrote:
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 2:23 pm, Alex Zachopoulos wrote:
I've formatted a column in a Calc .ods file to contain dates in
DD/MM/ YYYY format. What happens, unfortunately, is that if I enter
a date for up to the 12th of any month, Calc formats it as

Example: I want to enter June 13, 2007, so I type in the cell:
"13/6/07" or even "13/6". Once I hit Enter, Calc displays
"13/06/2007" in the cell.

But if I want to enter June 12, 2007, and I type: "12/6/07" or
"12/6", after I hit Enter, Calc displays "06/12/2007" in the cell.


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