On Thursday 04 January 2007 23:08, Joe Smith wrote (regarding [users]  Re: 
Writer: Style to make the initial word in a paragraph bold):
> No. The only pp style setting that even comes close is the "Drop Caps"
> feature, and that forces the first word to also be larger (at least two
> lines high).
> Caution: this will also find the first words of all headers, titles or
> any other text. If that's a problem, there's an easy way around that,
> just ask.

My thanks to Joe (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>), Phil (Philip Lynn 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) and Dan (Dan Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) for 
their answers.

I understand the fact that OOo does not support the type of Paragraph style I 
am looking for, and that there are ways to get the same effects (from a 
macro, to a search and apply style method).

Joe - may I take you up on the offer on what you said - "Caution: this will 
also find the first words of all headers, titles or any other text. If that's 
a problem, there's an easy way around that, just ask.", and ask you for help 
on how to overcome this ?

Many thanks, once again.

Pradeep Srinivas
Bangalore, India

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