On Friday 05 January 2007 1:37 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Is open office compadible with Microsoft office.
> What is the cost for your product, and how do I get a disc to
> download it.
> Thanks,
> Renee'

     OpenOffice.org is compatible with MS Office but not 100% so. 
Complex formating in text documents will not appear exactly the same 
in OOo and MS Word.
     There is no direct cost for OOo. It can be downloaded without 
cost from http://download.openoffice.org/2.1/. If you have broadband 
(cable or DSL), you can download it in about 20 minutes or so.    
     However, if you use a 56K modem, we suggest you might consider 
getting OOo on a disc. The link above contains a box labeled "Order 
OpenOffice.org on CD. Click it to get the list of companies which 
will sell you a CD with OOo on it.
     You might also consider looking at some computer magazines as 
some of them will have a CD with OOo on it. You could buy the 
magazine for the CD if nothing else.


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