I just bought a copy of what was described as a "Microsoft office clone" on ebay. Little did I know it was just a link to your site. This guy is selling links for £2.50 a copy. Im not sure if this violates your terms of service but i thought i should drop you a line.

His e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is the auction

Callum Smith=

While selling a CD with OpenOffice on it is clearly legal, and can be helpful to many people, just selling a link to the site is probably legal but certainly sounds misleading. My suggestion, since you purchased this from the seller, is to give negative feedback on e-bay. At this point, the seller has received a lot of feedback, nearly all of it positive, a small amount neutral, and nothing negative. Which must say that in spite of this somewhat sketchy transaction, he must be doing something right most of the time. It seems like giving some negative feedback would attract some attention.

I also noticed that he does sell CDs with OpenOffice, for $4.95 plus $1.99 shipping, which is not an unreasonable price.

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