On Sunday 07 January 2007 04:10, Rita Laurance wrote:
> Dear openoffice.org;
> I am a new user and here are my issues;
> 1)When you copy and paste an email into a blank openoffice document, it
> doesn't word wrap the text to fit it into an 8.5x11 page.

Doesn't it? This to me sounds more like an issue with the e-mail clients 
either when sending or receiving. What happens? Does the pasted text retain 
the lines as is, meaning that the lines remain short and each new line 
becomes a paragraph? Or what do you mean? Are you copying from a webmail 
service (via a web browser) or from an e-mail client (like Outlook Express)?

> 2) I write 
> bilingual emails to France and Italy. I need a bilingual wordprocessor,
> whose accents will remain accents once they reach Europe. All of the emails
> sent to me from Europe, and sent by me to Italy and France, end up with
> *(&^% instead of accents. That includes those I've sent using an Accent
> program, and those I've sent using Alt commands.

This sounds more like an issue with e-mail readers not respecting the header 
instructions as to the character encoding in use. I see that you are sending 
your messages with UTF-8 encoding. Unless the recipient has their client 
picking up that automatically, or changes it explicitly, they will see what 
you report.

> 3)Can you download with 
> the openoffice extras bilingual and trilingual capabilities. Can I download
> the appropriate keyboards and spell-checks so that I can write texts in
> English, Italian, and French?

This is covered in the help pages and the documentation on the site, but here 
is a very brief guide for multilingual documents.
Languages in OpenOffice

To obtain the relevant dictionaries, go to
   File -> Wizards -> Install new dictionaries
and download the ones you want.

To set the default language for your installation, go to
   Tools -> Options -> Language Settings / Languages
and set the default for all your documents. If there is a
dictionary for your selection, there will be a tick mark against it.

It is important to remember that language is an attribute of the text
of a document, and can be set differently in different parts of
the same document. This allows foreign language quotes to be separately
checked against the appropriate dictionary.

To set the default for a document that is different from the
default setting for all other documents, when you have opened
the document (or started a new one) go to the Default style
and change it there. F11 (or Format -> Styles and Formatting) brings up
the style list. Right click on Default (or the root style for your document)
go to Modify -> Font tab where you can set the language for this style
and will be carried down to other styles derived from it unless otherwise

To change the language for a piece of text, highlight the text and go to
   Format -> Character -> Font tab (or right click -> Character -> Font)
where you can set the language for just that portion of text.

If you set up your styles for a language in an empty document and then
save it as a template (File -> Templates -> Save), then you can select the 
appropriate one to start a new document with File -> New -> Templates and 

> Also- my open office program has crashed twice, but not lost any documents.
> I have 2.0, as I couldn't seem to burn a 2.1 CD of the web page, and I was
> also unable to burn a CD from the extras. An error message appeared.

What did you do? And what was the error message?

I know this sounds officious, but it would have been better to have asked four 
separate messages. Not everyone will have an answer for all the questions 
with the result that some parts of your request may drop out in threads 
following partial responses. One question per thread keeps the thread 

Andy Pepperdine

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