On Monday 08 January 2007 02:42, Alex Zachopoulos wrote (regarding [users] 
Numbers in cells imported as dates-not just numbers):
> I've just used Graphisoft's ArchiCAD 10 to export a tab separated
> file with dimension data for all doors and windows in a building
> project. In Finder, I changed the .tab to .csv and used OOo 2.0 to
> open the file, which took me to the Text Import panel, where I
> specified all columns to be 'Standard'. In the Preview pane, I can
> see all data showing properly as numbers. For example, for "Door sill
> height" and "Door head height" I get the values as e.g. "0.0000" and
> "3.0000".
> I click on OK, and when the file is finished opening I see that the
> columns are not exactly fine: Zero values still show as "0.0000", but
> non-zero values have turned into dates: 3.0000 becomes "01/03/00".
> Every time.
> Any advice? Many thanks, as always.

I tried something similar (no real data, only created a small file with some 
text/data combination) - no issues with the import.  

While I cannot say, offhand, why you are having this problem, I could take a 
look at your input file if you would care to share the same.  If you DO want 
to share the input CSV file, **please, please** do NOT post to the list, but 
send it to my id alone.

Pradeep Srinivas
Bangalore, India

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