El Lunes, 8 de Enero de 2007 21:32, M Henri Day escribió:
> Just to see if it would work on my Ubuntu 6.10 set-up, I followed your
> instructions, which led to the following reply on my console :
> find: /home/mhenriday/.mozilla/firefox/qmo24qvf.default/temp: Åtkomst nekas
> (ie, Access denied). The strange thing was that, despite this less than
> encouraging response, Writer did indeed open, just as you said, without a
> document or template pre-loaded. What's up ?...

In linux (and other unix like systems), when you start a program from the 
console, it usually inputs all the errors that it found to it. Quite an 
useful feature :).

Now, it seens like openoffice is trying to access some file in your firefox 
cache, and that it is unable to access it. Most likely, it's trying to find a 
file opened from internet. It can't find it, because it's probably not in 
your cache anymore. So it ouputs an error message.


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