Thomas Chilton wrote:

> Hi,
> First may I congratulate you for the precise articulation of your
> problem. Your mother must be proud to have raised such an
> intelligent, thoughtful and refined individual.
> I would suggest that if you have a problem with the
> following points may help you:
> 1) Outline your problem in a coherent manner, include details of your
> operating system and the version of you are using so
> that someone may help you.
> 2) The project, including this mailing list, is
> operated by volunteers. Don't insult them because of your ignorance
> or else you may find you remain that way.
> I most sarcastically hope you also have a nice day.
> Tom Chilton
> On 9 Jan 2007, at 11:11, Tarvi wrote:
>> why is your office suite made like shit? when I change my document and
>> delete some words this crap of yours does not do them? everything I
>> have deleted is still present and visible! have a nice day!

I'm sorry, alas this poor child belongs to my interest area, ie. Estonian
native speakers.
Seems like additonally to his mental weakness he has opened document in read
only mode.

Thomas, mailing lists are just very slow in last days, you dont need to post
three times.


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