On Thursday 04 January 2007 11:05, + Bernard Bychan wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> Hi
> Last Monday I sent an email concerning the problem of typing  right to
> left. Does anybody know an answer?
> Here is my text once more:
> How can I type from left to right, as it is needed for Hebrew or Arabic?
> I found some explanation about using the CTL-Mode (Complex Text Layout).
> If CTL is active, one can activate "right-to-left" by clicking on the icon
> with the arrow pointing to the left.
> But to my mind, what I get is not correct: The Cursor is positioned at the
> right side, which is what I expected. But the characters typed in are
> always placed at the right side of the cursor instead of the left side.
> I mean: If you type in e.g. "OpenOffice" in RTL (right to left) mode,
> "eciffOnepO"  should appear.
> Does anybody know if there is a way to activate "real" RLT-mode?

As you are not subscribed you may not have seen that:
On Friday 05 January 2007 21:29, M Henri Day wrote:
> The Help section in my Swedish OOo 2.0.4 version, informed me that I could
> input letters from right to left for four languages - Hindi, Thai, Hebrew,
> and Arabic - by using Ctrl + Right-shift. Unfortunately, I know none of
> these languages, but thought that I might be able to recognise the first
> graphs in the Hebrew alphabet. But when I depressed the keys mentioned
> above, I found that SCIM, which I use to write Chinese and Japanese, by
> default selected a non-CJK language which is written from right to left.
> When I changed the default selection to Hebrew (M17N-he-kbd) and typed
> a-b-c on my Swedish version of a QWERTY keyboard, with the following
> results :
>  שנע
> which I must admit was not quite what I had expected. The cursor started at
> the extreme left of the page, but the letters were imported from right to
> left, i e, first ש, then נ, and finally, ע. It would seem to me that this
> method of inserting graphs ought to work for those writing in these
> languages....
> Moreover, I also found that the ability to write these languages from right
> to left was not dependent on using OOo ; once having selected the language
> in SCIM, I could do so as easily in this gmail message, which I found very
> handy, as it eliminated the need to cut and paste.
> The above procedure may not, however, work for those using a Windows
> machine ('m using Ubuntu) ; in any event I have no experience using SCIM on
> such a machine, having always employed Microsoft's own IME system. But as
> James Su, the SCIM developer, who is located at Qinghua University in
> Beijing, has proclaimed support for as many operative systems as possible
> as one of the goals for SCIM, it is not impossible that that supprt for
> Windows does exist ; I have not, however, been able to find a download for
> that system....
> Henri
> PS : For any developers out there, it would also be useful to be able to
> type CJK languages from right to left as well, in the event that a simple
> keyboard code could enable such a feature....

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CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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